Political Gum Hockey

Political Commentary and Humor

Does Santorum live in the United States?

Rick Santorum is giving his speech in Ohio before the votes are counted.  That in itself says something.

But listening to his speech begs the question – what country does this guy live in? He seems to think he lives in a theocratic country, Iran perhaps?

In short, he seems unable to say anything that is remotely related to actual fact.  He’s one bumper sticker after another.  And I’m not holding him to a normal standard of actually being honest and reality based.  After all, he’s a politician.  But listening to him I have to wonder if he’s simply gone off into some parallel universe in which reality is whatever rhetoric he can come up with.

I’m sorry to be blunt, but the guy is unreal.  Not only has he shown over the last few months that he is a maniacal bigot, he just seems not to realize that people actually are not all as uniformed as his rhetoric suggests he believes they must be.

Okay, Santorum won Tennesee and Oklahoma.  That tells you something.  What is interesting is that he is slightly ahead of Romney in Ohio with about a third of the vote in as I write this. That doesn’t bode well for Romney.   But we’ll see that it bodes very well for Obama given Romney’s utter disconnect from anyone who isn’t a $200 millionaire.

Is this thing over yet? Seriously. The Republican party has effectively demonstrated that it is incapable of governing this country.   Blame it on the tea party bigots.


March 6, 2012 Posted by | Bigotry, Caucus, Mitt Romney, Primary, Rick Santorum, Tea Party | , , , , , , | 1 Comment